Sunday, September 13, 2009


narcolepsy- nar·co·lep·sy (när'kə-lěp'sē)
A disorder characterized by sudden and uncontrollable, though often brief, attacks of deep sleep, sometimes accompanied by paralysis and hallucinations. Also called hypnolepsy.

Seriously, I never thought that it would be possible to be tired all the time. But it totally is, and I totally am. This has put a whole new spin on being tired. I get tired after I eat a full meal. I mean, full blown food coma. We went to breakfast this morning, and I layed on the couch for two hours when we got home. I couldn't get up. I was glued there. It wasn't the first time, nor I dare say the last. On Saturday, I was at work, and if we had a place for me to lay down, I would have knocked out for sure. My eye balls were burning because I was so tired! I am a nap-a-holic I think.
I keep hearing that its going to get better soon, that I will have more energy in a few weeks. I want that time to come now, because I feel like an 80 year old. I'm becoming convinced that being pregnant is totally a glimpse into the distant future, a glimpse of what its like to be really old. I need to take a nap before I do anything. I have to pee all the time. Im starting to forget things, all the time. And, I cant eat really delicious bad-for-you-food, plus, I cant always control when I have to fart (sorry hunny!) See, a total glimpse into the future. Im going to take a nap now.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

human garbage disposal

Ok, so when I was growing up, like 8 or 9, Human Garbage Disposal was my nickname around the house. I could eat. I mean, how many girls would have a taco eating contest with their dad? I remember going to Taco Bell, usually after we had been at the beach all day, and we got one of those family meals, with a lot of extra tacos. My 2 little brothers could eat, and my dad, without a question could eat, and I was up for the challenge as well. (I know that this is hard to imagine, even Leslee would get her taco on, those of you who know her will find this amusing). I think I ate 5 once. Gross.
Fast forward to today, years later I have hungup the nick name (thank god). Now that Im eating for TWO, I have a reason to eat,its a neccisity, you would think this was my big chance to eat 5 tacos guilt free! But no, there is no guilt free eating at taco bell. I had the hankering for the bell a few weeks ago, and I had it TWICE in a 24 hour period. Let me tell you, I thought I was going to die. I mean seriously, I had the worst gas pains I think that anyone has ever had on the face of this earth. I needed to fart, and I couldnt, it was trapped, and i think there was 7 pounds of compounded gas in my stomach. I was on the floor of the bathroom, at 2 am, for almost 20 minutes, almost in tears! I never prayed for a fart before, and theres always a first, right? Well, there was no release, but i finally went and got back in bed, and fell asleep. The next day, at work, it hit me again, BAM combined with the fire from hell in my chest. Great, now my chest was on fire, and I was gassy still. How could something I loved so much cause so much pain? I was heartbroken to relieze it was my run for the border that caused me all the agony. Tons of Tums later, I was feeling better, although scarred for life.
There will be no more Taco Bell for this little bean in my belly, I shudder everytime I drive by one. So please, if you are with me, and hungry, dont ask me if I want Taco Bell.
The answer is NO.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

So my choice in blog name...probably the first thing that you're wondering, right? Well I decided to go with my first, genuine, must-have-it-now or I am going to starve, or turn into preg-zilla pregnancy craving. Fruit Loops. It was 9:30 or 10 at night, and I saw (gasp) a commercial for Fruit Loops. I had to have them. So to the store we went, and I was one happy momma. (promise, there are no paid endorsements here, but those damn commercials work!) The following morning, it was a commercial for Manwhich, and I was convinced I needed one for breakfast. I didnt give in, and Im glad that it wasn't my first craving, otherwise this blog would be called I want a manwhich. I change the channel now when a food commercial comes on.